
Home List of Moves

Basic Moves

City Moves

Transit (Environs)

When you travel to another neighborhood:

Then, roll +Environs.


Steer Clear (Environs)

When you lay low or maneuver to avoid getting into a dangerous situation, describe how you take advantage of the surroundings and roll +Environs.

If you’re already in a dangerous situation, or have been noticed by a threat, instead Take a Big Risk.

Get Your Bearings

When you take a moment to determine where you are or the right direction to go in, the Magistrate will answer one Question you ask, then roll +Environs. If have a connection to the neighborhood, you may ask a second question.


Ear to the Ground (Lore)

When you listen out for interesting information, name something you’re especially interested in – a public figure, a faction, a neighborhood, an event, etc. – and roll +Lore.

Appraise Circumstances (Lore)

When you take time to study the situation to see what’s really going on, roll +Lore.


Sample the Sights & Sounds

When you try something new – for example, tasting food, listening to music, seeing artwork – describe your experience. If someone invited you to try it, take +1 forward to your next Social Interaction with them. If not, you may write a new belief or connection about the experience. You may also pick 1 Reaction to clear one Heat:


Get Something (Network)

When you work your network to get information, a service, a rare item, or access to a restricted location, say what you need and roll +Network.

If your efforts are focused on an individual, use Direct Someone to Act.


Observe Someone (Network)

When you observe a specific person’s behavior, movements, or mannerisms to learn something about them, roll +Network. If you have a connection with them, you may ask a question before you roll.


Meet Someone New (Network)

When you size up someone you don’t know at all or very well, describe how you do it and roll +Network.

Shared Experiences



Use Connection or Belief

When your connection or belief is relevant to your action, describe how it makes you more confident. You may roll with advantage. If any of the dice show a 1 or 2 – regardless of the outcome of the move – the belief or connection is challenged. Mark it. Next time you use it, if you roll a 1 or 2, it is proven wrong. You may continue to hold the belief or connection, but you may not use it to buff your rolls.

City Connection Moves

Perceive Demand

Once per session you may mark the next available Demand to get a 10+ result on a move. You may mark it before or after you roll. Write down the demand the city makes of you. You may not take another Demand until you meet this one.

Meet Demand

When you meet a Demand made by the city, take an Advance.


When you meet the last Demand, describe your epilogue.

Social Interaction Moves

Social Interaction Moves relate to a specific named individual. When characters interact with someone in particular, use Direct Someone to Act. When dealing with the denizens of the city more generally, use Get Something.

You may not mark City Demands to affect this roll, but you may indicate you want to Use a Secret before you roll.

Confront Another

When you express yourself with passion or conviction in the presence of another PC, they may pick one:

Direct Someone to Act

When you demand someone provide information they have access to or take an action they are capable of taking, describe what you’re demanding.

If you demand they act against their self-interest, or reveal something that betrays their interests, they partially comply, OR pick a strong reaction.

Otherwise, the Magistrate will secretly pick the type of offer – peril, value, passion, or logic – that holds the most sway. Then, describe your offer. The Magistrate will reveal the type of offer they selected. Then, roll +Sway. If you do not match types of offer, roll with disadvantage.

On a hit, you pick a weak reaction. On 7-9, they pick a consequence.

Strong Reactions

If you meet any counter or demand, they comply.

Weak Reactions


Secrets Moves

Use a Secret

When you use secret knowledge in your social interactions, describe how you use the secret without revealing it, then roll with advantage (or cancel disadvantage). But if any of the dice show 1 or 2, then you Reveal a Secret.

Example of Use a Secret

Miabella is negotiating with the pirate Donatella for the secret location of the treasure under the city. Miabella offers to split the treasure with Donatella in exchange for the location.

Miabella knows the pirate Donatella has a secret forbidden love named Arvel. The player opts to use this knowledge to influence Donatella, implying that certain members of the elite, including Arvel, would appreciate uncovering this essential part of the city’s history.

The player rolls three dice and gets a 1 + 4 + 5. This gives Miabella a 9 on the Direct Someone to Act move, but the secret is revealed. According to the Reveal a Secret move, Miabella loses the Tie with Donatella.

The Magistrate gets to pick two Reactions for Donatella. From Negotiate, Donatella selects Demand more compensation and from Reveal a Secret, Donatella selects They deny the truth, leaving you in doubt.

Says Donatella, “You think you know so much. My love for Arvel is long buried. I will tell you the location, but for your impudence, we will split the treasure 70-30.”

Reveal a Secret

When you reveal a secret to someone, mark Heat. If the secret is about the person you’re talking to, **mark the connection.

Follow the fiction to determine if the secret becomes public knowledge. If it does, erase it.


Risky Moves

Use Power

When you tap into your connection to magic, technology, or other mysterious power, describe what you hope to accomplish or how it enhances your Move. Mark a use, then follow the direction. Use either the attribute of the Move you’re enhancing OR if you’re not enhancing a Move, whichever attribute is most appropriate.

If you roll a 1 or 2 on any die, the Power has an unexpected side effect. If you roll a 1 on any die, the Power also backfires.

Side Effects


When the power backfires, roll.


Take a Big Risk

When you risk physical harm, break the law, challenge social norms, or make a scene describe your objective and what you’re prepared to give up to succeed, mark Heat and roll + most relevant attribute. Outcomes should align with the fiction. You probably can’t defeat a trained warrior in one-on-one combat even if you roll a 10+.

PCs who are present must also pick one:

Additional Outcomes

Scheme Moves

Set Up a Scheme (Network)

When you set up a scheme to regularly bring in cash or resources, describe the montage for setting it up and what you expect it to produce. The scheme starts with a Productivity equal to your Network attribute. Subtract 1 for each scheme you already have going.

Run the Scheme

When you check in on your scheme, answer one of the questions and roll +Productivity. You may do this once per session.



Use Asset

You may spend an asset to:

Faction Moves

Secure Resource

To acquire resources, including materials, expertise, and personnel, a faction may make use of its existing aspects so long as they’re relevant to the acquisition. If the faction is operating in a neighborhood it controls, it may include the neighborhood as an aspect when rolling.

When a faction works to acquire a rare, expensive, or illicit resource, roll +aspects.

Complete Project

When the faction starts a new project, ask the Magistrate what expertise, resources, or materials it needs. The Magistrate must specify at least three resources required for the project to succeed. The faction will need to Secure Resource to have at least one available. 

When the faction dedicates effort to completing a project (and has at least one required resource) roll +aspects.

Update the map to show the new project.

Overtake Neighborhood

When a faction attempts to seize control of a neighborhood, check to see whether another faction already dominates. If the dominant faction is represented by the Magistrate, the encroaching faction must either do a project or eliminate threat.

If there is no dominant faction when another faction moves in to take control, the encroaching faction becomes dominant.

If there is a dominant faction, that faction may use aspects appropriate for defending and repelling the encroaching faction. Other factions may come to its aid, adding +1 to the roll. The defending faction rolls +aspects.

Update the map to show the new political divisions.

Mind the Whispers

When a faction sends out agents and spies to a neighborhood to gather information, roll +aspects.


Update the map to show what was learned.

Spread a Rumor

When a faction’s network spreads a rumor, say what it is and roll +aspects. The faction may make use of aspects that help perpetuate or reinforce the rumor.

Eliminate Threat

When a faction attempts to remove a complicating aspect from itself or a neighborhood it owns, the Magistrate will tell you what resources you need to deal with it. If you have them, roll +aspects. The faction may use any beneficial aspects of itself, so long as it has at least the resource(s) specified by the Magistrate.

Update the map to show the status of the threat.


When a faction receives aid from another faction, the allied faction indicates how it helps using one of its aspects. The receiving faction receives +1 on its roll for every faction helping. But must take the complicating aspect “indebted” regardless of the outcome. The allied faction shares in the consequences of the move.

Lose Cohesion

When a faction succumbs to a threat erase one of its aspects. If a faction has more complications than aspects, it disperses. Any player characters that belong to the faction may join a new faction, with any remaining aspect as the starting aspect of the new faction.

If the faction has more aspects than complications, roll +aspects.