
Home List of Playbooks

Getting Started

Establish the Contours of the City

The heart of the game is the map of the city. Throughout the game you’ll add to the map. To get started, the group will add some key neighborhoods and landmarks.

Take a city map template and add one of the listed elements. Cross out the element and pass the page to the next player. After everyone has taken a turn with the map, pass the paper around one more time so players may optionally add another element.

Neighborhoods (occupies an entire district)

Features (along the borders)


Determine the Backdrop (Optional)

The backdrop establishes the overarching events or circumstances. The characters may be embroiled in these events, or they may simply feel the repercussions of them.

Roll for or select options on the backdrop table to determine what’s going on in the world and in the city at large. Discuss the basic sketch the table gives you to create a more fleshed out story. Do not sweat the details too much at this stage.

Consider adding an element or two to the map related to the backdrop. For example, if the backdrop calls for a waning magical invasion the group could add locations where the invasion was most prevalent.

Select Playbooks

The playbooks each represent a different type of city denizen, with an emphasis on how they contribute to the city as a complex animate organism. No playbook prescribes an occupation. Instead, the character’s occupation or trade or lifestyle is a function of how they are integrated into the city’s ecosystem.

Review the playbooks and select one. Every player should have a different playbook.

Make note of the playbook’s favored attribute, and then assign your attribute scores based on one of these arrays:

Select Starting Moves and Power

Pick two starting moves from your playbook. Some playbooks have a required starting move, which must be one of your two starting moves.

Select your character’s power, and set the maximum complexity to 0.

Update the Map: Characters

Go around the table and add a detail to the map based on your character’s concept. Make up whatever detail you like, but the playbook has some ideas to get you going.

Create Factions (Optional)

Determine what faction your character belongs to by rolling from or selecting from the factions tables.

Update the Map: Factions (Optional)

Go around the table and select a neighborhood to be your faction’s base of operations, and add a detail to the map related to your faction.

Select Connections and Write Beliefs

Your character starts with two beliefs and two personal connections.

Beliefs capture a fundamental understanding you have about the world and the people in it. They may be true, and if you rely on them too much you may find out they’re not. You can write the beliefs on your own, or use the beliefs tables to inspire you.

Personal connections are people that you know something about. When interacting with others, you can use the secret for leverage, but you may reveal the secret, and then face the consequences. Select the connections from your playbook, and then select or roll for what secrets you have about them.

Introduce Your Character and Note Neighborhood Connections

Go around the table and introduce your character.

When introducing your character be sure to include:

The Magistrate should make note of any updates to the map implied by playbook moves.

Every character starts with one neighborhood connection. After going through introductions, each character’s connection should be obvious – their abode, base of operations, favored hangout, childhood home – but if it isn’t add a neighborhood to the map now. Write down your character’s neighborhood connection.

Determine Relationships

As you introduce your characters, the Magistrate can start the relationship map to capture the relationships between the PCs and their ties.

Then, go around the table again and ask two of your Relationship questions. As players provide responses, the Magistrate should add to the relationship map, illustrating the connections between the characters.